Thank You
Recently several intelligence discoveries have undermined several key arguments pushed down our throats on a daily basis by the out of touch liberal media, radicals, communists, taitors and radically liberal Democrats against the war.
Thanks to Stephan Hayes of the weekly standard and Senator Peter Hoekstra thousands of formerly secret Iraqi State Intellegence documents where recently released to the public. These documents had been vaulted by the US goverenments intellegence community and hidden from public consumption. Contrary to the claims made by several partisan intelligence officials and the 9/11 commission these documents prove beyond any doubt that
The Iraqi Goverement:
1) Developed and maintained WMDs
2) Had active operational ties to Al Qaida, Answar Al Islam, the PLO and other active terrorist organizations.
3) Moreover, these documents also contain recordings of Saddam making terroristic threats to the US and its allies.
4) These documents prove there pre-war operation links to intelligence officers working with Russia, Syria, Brazil and Iran and indicate that Saddam's WMDs were probably transfered to these countries in December of 2002.
5) Bottom line these documents prove that the CIA got it wrong again and is motivated by politics and public relations and not the Security of this nation and the preservation of freedom.
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