Thursday, January 05, 2006

Pratical Healthcare Reform

Here is an idea for health care reform that will also address over crowding in the nations hospital emergency rooms. If you have been to the hospital emergency room lately you will find that most people in the emergency room are low income families and illegal aliens awaiting what can be described as primary healthcare.

Last year I was attacked by a dog and was sent to the emergency room by my primary healthcare provider and had to wait over 4 hours to see a surgeon. My hand appeared to be badly damaged and was bleading profusely however I had to wait in line behind a Central American family who's children had the flu and the strung out druggy who had to pick up his girlfreinds pills. While the doctors were attending to these peoples urgent needs my hand continued to bleed and the girl with food poisoning sitting next to me vomitted three times. No wonder our nations hospitals are collapsing under the strain and have to charge more per night than the Waldorf Astoria.

Here is an Idea. Offer a medical liability cap on punitive damages for doctors that donate 4 hours a week to primary care clinics operated by the hospitals. Patients benefit, low income families benefit, hospitals benefit and Doctors benefit.


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