Wednesday, January 11, 2006

My Problem With Joe Biden

Joe Biden had a problem today with Judge Alito because the Judge has supported spousal notification in the case of abortion. Our perplexed liberal, Joe Biden, brought up a senario where a women would be at an economic disadvantage if she had to notify her husband if she got an abortion.

That line of thinking seems to me chauvanistic and wrong headed. It assumes that most married women who are in need of an abortion have committed adultury and are economicaly subserviant. Well Joe, it is now the year 2006 and while we do not have flying cars yet, I believe most women are on a relatively equal economic footing with their partners. Does he think women will be branded with the scarlet letter if they notify the father of the unborn child of her intentions?

Moreover, It can be said that in the case of sex crimes, unfit mothers and abusive relationships the need for for notification my actually be a catalyst that settles family conflict. It is often the case the fear of comming forward after a sex crime, the fear of domestic violence and the general lack of consious (in the rare case of unfit mothers) prevent the resolution of issues that are better addressed sooner rather than later. The final outcome under that senario would be benificial for both the mother, the father and society as a whole.


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